Dr. Hazel Daniels
PhD in Plant Pathology


Please click the bubbles for more information!
Go to Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum)

Current PhD project, looking at management and epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon.

Go to Microbiome of west coast Douglas-fir

Microbiome of west coast Douglas-fir

“Phylogenetic identification of pathogenic and endophytic fungal populations in west coast Douglas-fir foliage.”

Go to Thousand Cankers Disease (Geosmithia morbida)

Thousand Cankers Disease (Geosmithia morbida)

“Thousand Cankers Disease Complex: A Forest Health Issue that Threatens Juglans Species across the U.S.”

About Hazel

Professional Skills and Experience
#forestry #scicomm #omics

My current research focuses on management and epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum (the oomycete pathogen that causes Sudden Oak Death) in Southwestern Oregon. I have previous experience studying endophytic fungi in Douglas-fir, phytophthora root rot in American chestnut, as well as Thousand Cankers Disease complex.

I am interested in continuing to research these and other pathogen diseases to improve native species protection as well as forest plantation and stand management. It is my goal to become a forest pathologist with experience in 'omics as well as applied methods of forest health management.

See my academic awards here.

  • From sample collection to sequencing, I have experience with all steps of the process.

  • I have a strong background in both scientific and non-scientific writing, and enjoy science writing for the public.

  • Experienced in both Southeast and Pacific Northwest USA forests, including forest health, cruising, and general management.

  • Experienced in Illumina sequence processing via shell pipeline and analysis of clonal populations with R statistics software.

Hazel Daniels

Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant
Fourth year PhD student working hard at Oregon State University. Enjoys being outside, baking bread, playing board games with her two cats, and knitting.

Jared LeBoldus

Advisor Extraordinaire
Areas of Interest: Forest pathology; the genomics host-parasite interactions in natural ecosystems; molecular mechanisms of innate immunity in plants; tree and pathogen genomics